Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"One Last Wave"

Season Two, Season Finale

After we get to be jealous of the guys at the beach surfing, Kristen, Jessica, and Alex H are sitting around a table discussing what their futures may hold.

Jessica tells Kristen that she can see her as a Television Host. I can see that!

Kristen tells Jessica that she is going to be driving her family around in a minivan. I can see that too.

Kristen tells Alex H that she would have her own boutique.

We go over to Taylor's house and she is packing. Alex M. is crying (a theme for most of the girls) because Taylor is leaving.

Next, we are over at Lauren's house. LC is packing. Stephen drops by to say hello. She is not crying, but I would be if I had to leave that house of hers.

LC is excited to be moving to LA. Of course she is! She can leave that whole mess with Jason behind and start over. LC said she had "a momentary lapse of reason" with that whole Jason thing.

Then, it's back to Kristen. She is sitting on the beach and looks like she just lost her best friend. Stephen the social butterfly that he is, stopped by to spend some time with Kristen.

Throughout the entire program, Kristen is the most emotional, which is very surprising. Kristen is usually such a rock. She is so strong, I admire that quality in her.

We get a second scene with Kristen, Alex H, and Jessica together. The girls hug and cry their eyes out. At least Alex H will be in LA with Kristen. Jessica will be staying behind to finish high school.

Talan and Jason say good-bye to each other. Of course Talan tells Jason he loves him. Is there ever a time when Talan doesn't say I love you to someone?

I really think the title of this episode should have been "One Last Wave of Tears". I understand them being so sad, all good things come to an end.

We now have Season Three to look forward to.

We will at least have LC's little sister and Jessica. I'm sure that some of our old favorites will be in there sometimes when they come home for a visit. Especially Kristen and LC because they have the strongest ties to season three cast members.

The best news is we will have "The Hills". We can watch Lauren in LA during her Teen Vogue Internship!


Anonymous eric sanders said...

that is one of my favorite reality show like laguna beach i hope that this year mtv should make a reboot of laguna beach with new cast and new episodes seasons 1-4 mtv please revive laguna beach one more time

12:44 PM  

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